Extra HOPE in life is bliss!

How to be more hopeful?

Hope can be one of the hardest things to discover in difficult times, but it is vital to hold onto when the going gets tough. Being hopeful is about developing a state of mind that believes we can have a brighter future tomorrow even when things are not looking great today.
When hope exists we engage with our environment more. We give more of ourselves to what we do – as does everyone else around us. Hope engages our creativity and our problem solving skills. It is a factor in our ability to appreciate ourselves and others and our ability to be grateful for our lives.

Heaven On Planet Earth

5 ways to increase Hope:

When you feel yourself getting caught up with the roller coaster of life it is easy to feel like things are spinning out of control. Every negative scenario fills your mind and you end up losing all sense of perspective. In these moments, just pause for a minute, take a breath and reflect on what your next steps will be.

No matter how hard things get there is always something to be grateful for. It is possible to catch a glimmer of hope from unexpected places. What can you see around you that you are thankful for? 

Every day is full of both good and bad news, but it is the bad news that seems to travel faster. Be careful not to excessively watch, listen to or engage with media that makes you feel hopeless and fearful. 

We can still acknowledge the difficulty of our situation in the world around us while still living with hope. One way to do this is to actively think of what you can look forward to beyond your present situation. What does a positive future look like for you when you find your breakthrough? 

Most of us know at least one person who can persistently see the bright side of life. And it is also true to say we know some people who leave us feeling drained too! Making a video or phone call to someone you care about might just be the thing you need to bring a dose of much needed encouragement.

Hope Is Important Part Of Life

The easiest way to support a hopeful world  is to support hope in others and ask that others do the same for you. If you surround yourself with people invested in creating a hopeful world with you, then you are fortunate. However, not everyone will necessarily have a hopeful outlook. You can still support hope in someone else’s life whether they are able to value it or not. Helping to restore hope when it has been lost is a noble thing to do.

Look for ways to make hopefulness tangible. Don’t let it be just something for the future. Hope is all of the little things we do each day to make our lives. Everything you do contributes to hopeful living or takes away from it.